After years of talking, laughing, and lamenting about the challenges of the publishing world, we decided to join forces and bring you Mountain Ash Press. As a publishing service for indie published authors primarily, with a boutique hybrid press component. Our entire goal is to make your process of publishing clear, simple, and straightforward. We are your guides on this publishing journey, and we are honored to have that role. Please let us know how we can help you.

Caroline Topperman
I have been reading, writing and making up stories for as long as I can remember. As a first generation immigrant to Canada, with parents who were political refugees, I am used to straddling different cultures, and languages.
Growing up with stories about Afghanistan, Paris, Sweden, Poland, and all of the other places my parents had either lived in or travelled to, instilled a sense of adventure in me. I hold a BFA with a specialization in screenwriting. While completing my degree, I script-doctored an award-winning screenplay. I speak English, Polish and French fluently, and I’ve lived in Toronto, Vancouver, and Poland. During this time I have danced, owned a Pilates studio that was frequented by athletes and celebrities, and worked in real estate, as well as the beauty and fashion industry.

My screenwriting degree has taught me to be aware of the details, to be present and in the moment with writing. As the founder of the popular blog, StyleOnTheSide, I’m here to share my personal experiences, insights and ultimately give you permission to step outside of your box and discover your own unique voice. I am an Author Accelerator certified book coach, as well as a developmental editor.
My book, Tell Me What You See, is a visual prompt journal to help you see the world through a new lens.
Andi Cumbo-Floyd
I picked the college I attended partially because – okay more than partially, almost exclusively because I got to study in England for a semester. I’ve never regretted the decision both because of the friends I made in college but also because that semester abroad was my introduction to international travel.
There’s just something about being in the places that people call home that gives me a chance to really understand the way people are different from me . . . and alike too. In fact, if I had to capture one of the primary ways that I know and love the world it’s through the stories of a place, be they folktales, historical narratives, or the fictions we make up to give us order and delight in chaos.

That’s why I love our work at Mountain Ash because we are helping people all over the world to tell their stories. My part of the press focuses on the details – line editing, proofreading, formatting, and publishing of books, and I especially love to coach creatives on how to turn their passion into profit without losing their integrity or artistic voice.
Plus, I’m a writer, too, even have an MFA in the craft. I write cozy mysteries under a pen name, ACFBookens, and soon, I’ll publish mid-life rom coms out under my pen name Andrea Cumbo. Most of my books are self-published, but I also co-authored Plantation Jesus, a book about racism in the Christian church with Skot Welch and Rick Wilson that was published by the wonderful Herald Press.
My whole goal with Mountain Ash Press is to help people find their voices and tell their stories. I’m so honored to be able to do this work.
Our Team

Formatting & Interior Design
Jody Skinner has worked with indie and trad authors since 2017, supporting writers in the process between finishing a manuscript and holding their own book in their hands. She is the author of Format Your Book with Vellum, now in its 3rd edition, a guide which helps authors to use the Vellum book formatting software. She is also the founder of Smidgen Press, a small publishing company dedicated to preserving classic literature for future generations in beautiful print editions and quality digital formats.
An “includer” at heart, Jody is committed to cultivating a community of kindness and encouragement, both within the author community and the world at large, as the adventures of being a military spouse have shaped her perspective on the value of meaningful connections. She and her husband Mike have three children, teens and young adults, and they currently live on the US East Coast.

Cover Design
My friends tell me I am a good communicator, but really, I just appreciate a good story. Whether it’s through the written word, photography (I am a professional photographer, running a successful portrait and wedding business, Black Label Wedding), business and creative coaching, or graphic design, I’m always thinking through the lens of message and audience.
I have had the privilege of living in and visiting many places and people in the world. Whether in Afghanistan or Egypt, the cornfields of the Midwest, or the mountains of Central America, I’ve come to discover that I simply love people. Even more so, I love to partner with people, to learn from them, and to celebrate what makes them unique.