Taking Your Manuscript Draft To The Finish Line.

So you have already finished the first, second, or even third draft of your manuscript. Congratulations, that’s fantastic! We are here to help you take it through to publication.

Editing & Polishing

You are in the right place if you have a completed manuscript that is not polished and hasn’t been professionally edited. We will start with a developmental edit, followed by line editing and proofreading.

Publishing: Traditional or Indie?

We will determine how you envision publishing your book — with one of the big five publishers and the help of an agent, with a small press, or through the indie process. If you decide you would like to try traditional publishing, we will help you with your synopsis and/or proposal and your query letter. We will provide you with a customized spreadsheet to track your agent contacts, and a querying plan to get you started.

If you choose indie publishing, our designers will get to work with layout and professional cover design. We will then walk you through the process of international book distribution for both print and ebooks.

What does this include?

  • You will receive a video of your book, and several images that are all social media ready
  • You will receive a press release which is ready to send out to newspapers, radio, and television stations
  • You will receive five places to contact to market your book that don’t involve using social media

Social Media & Platform

While everyone is hard at work, we will take a look at your social media, website, and platform to determine what needs work and how we can help position you in the marketplace.

Best of all, you retain all rights to your book, and you keep all of the proceeds from your sales.

Editing and publication take time. Expect to be working with us for the better part of a year.

Pricing is dependent on which publishing path you choose, please contact us for more information.

Please take a moment to fill out our form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Not seeing a plan that fits your needs? We are offering a la carte services on a limited basis. Get in touch!