Welcome to Mountain Ash Press!
We are a boutique press offering bespoke book coaching, editing, and publishing services to help you bring your book into the world.
We offer a la carte services in editing, query writing, marketing, publishing, and more.
Our press focuses on books that might not find a home with more traditional presses, books that bend genres and break conventions, books that are artful, challenging, and fresh.
Not sure what services are right for you? Drop us a line, and we will help you decide.
When you subscribe, you’ll get a FREE copy of our the Mountain Ash Press Guide to Health and Wellness, a booklet full of tips, exercises, and writing prompts to help you be your healthiest, writerly self.
Our Mission
Storytelling lies at the heart of the human journey.
Publishing takes storytelling to a whole new level.
We are field guides to this steep terrain.
Our job is to help you navigate hidden paths and choppy waterways.
We help you bridge your dream with the great wide world.
We help you find your footing.
Your book will not fall by the wayside once you reach out and connect us to your vision.
We can see the path. Let us help you see it too.

Mountain Ash Press acknowledges that we live and work in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountain regions of Virginia, which was taken from its original stewards, the Siouan Indians of the Monacan and Manahoac tribes. We recognize their current and historical contributions to this region, and their continued relationship with their lands and waterways.
We acknowledge that we live and work in Toronto which is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.